Expert Drilling Services (EDS) provides expert drilling services in soft or difficult ground conditions. The company’s management team has over 30-years of experience in the drilling industry covering most drilling methods used today:
- Reverse circulation (RC) drilling (exploration and grade control);
- Diamond coring (DD) drilling (exploration) PQ, HQ, and NQ (triple tube and standard);
- Directional drilling (Navi and wedging);
- Water well drilling (production wells and monitoring wells);
- Air-core drilling;
- RAB drilling;
- Auger drilling.
EDS focuses on diamond drilling and air-core drilling, using simple manufactured machines with basic hydraulic system as opposed to electric over hydraulic ones, for easy maintenance and reliability.
EDS’ team has vast experience working with electric or hydraulic machines across west Africa, overcoming downtime due electrical failures and/or sensor failures which are very hard to troubleshoot if mechanics are not trained with the latest technology.
EDS uses new basic drilling machines, which are fit for purpose in difficult conditions, eliminate down-time and increase availability from pre-start to completion for any drilling contract.